Grand Amujan Empire 1+2i

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Grand Amujan Empire
Capital cityDrebzha
GovernmentTotalitarian Empire
Empress: Iris
Official languagesXadwg
Official religionsÆtérnalist Alliumism

The Grand Amujan Empire 1+2𝑖, or GAE1+2𝑖 for short, is a degree 2 divergence from the prime timeline. This timeline diverged from T' on September 17th 2024, when South Amuj gained its independence from North Amuj in T'. However, it diverged from the GAE1+𝑖 timeline as well, on 13 January 2025.

Prime Timeline

The independence of South Amuj kicked off what came to be known as the Amujxplosion, after which North Amuj, South Amuj, and short-lived Igeþa were dissolved. This was then followed by the Neo-Amujxplosion, in which Heufauna split into itself and Reborn Amuj, before quickly coalescing into the CMCic Federation. This then later was dissolved by Iris in the CMCxploison.

Grand Amujan Empire 1+𝑖

Main article: Grand Amujan Empire 1+i

The equivalent of the Neo-Amujxplosion occurred in the GAE1+𝑖 timeline as well. In this timeline, this manifests as an insurrection in Iris's totalitarian empire, which was swiftly resolved with the help of multiple other countries, but only after Iris promised to be less totalitarian. The status of this version of the GAE at the present is unknown, as investigations of the GAE1+𝑖 timeline by the Prime Timeline ended when the CMCic Federation was dissolved.

Grand Amujan Empire 1+2𝑖

The Neo-Amujxplosion is still unsuccessful in this timeline, but the results are significantly more grave, stemming from a UNg meeting where the GAE ended up submitting multiple vote cards at once, one by Iris and one by the insurrectionists. This results in events similar to the CMCxplosion taking place, although they take place earlier here than in the prime timeline. In this timeline, Iris executed every other member of the Head Council, and changed the name of the country to the Grand Amujan Moniridian Empire. This was very short lived, however, as within the same day, Iris banished herself from Nguhcraft. Officially, the GAME is unrecognized by the United Ngations as of 23 February 2025 in GAE1+2𝑖. However, the GAME is not considered dissolved, as Amujologists say that Iris simply moved the empire to extranguhcraftial territory.