United Ŋations Office of Monetary Affairs

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The United Ŋations Office of Monetary Affairs (UŊOMA) is an office of the United Ŋations whose job is to keep track and keep updated a list of all the Currencies in use on Nguhcraft for interŋational trade. The office also keeps track of the relative values of goods used for backing said currencies.

The first and current officer is Annwan, who holds the position since its creation during the Fifth meeting of the United Ŋations.


The following resources are kept track of by the office for their use in backing currencies:

Code Resource Value (in Slablets)
XCC Diamond 0.8
XCU Raw Copper ore 0.00138
XPS Petrified Oak Slab 32
XAU Raw Gold Ore 0.027
XSP Sponge 5.3
XPD Pigstep Music Disc 18.6
XTF Tuff 0.0078125
XEM Deepslate Emerald Ore 98.6
XHS Heart of the Sea 11
XFE Raw Iron Ore 0.0625


In circulation

The following currencies are in active circulation

Code Country Name Backing Value (in the Backing resource) Value (in Slablets)
EKG Enkavak Glanga XPS 0.0138 0.4
XPS Interŋational Petrified Oak Slab XPS 1 32
TQR Þunan Qumreá Rice XSP 0.16 0.8
AYT Aylongam Tenō XAU 2 0.05
XKG Northwest Economic Union Kang XCC 0.5 0.4
KZK Kozdenen Kaema XCC 0.25 0.2
PEL Port of Eras Lyric XHS 1 11
XPY Transpunese Economic Union Pymu XFE 3 0.1875
XPA South Thasusan Common Market Agreement Puan Unity Argent (PUA) XFE 9 0.5625

Withdrawn from Circulation

Code Country Name Backing Value (in the Backing resource) Value (in Slablets)
KCA Kingdom of Kyaw Cen Ætér XPS 0.01416 0.3
IMT Imerchal Talèr XPS 0.027 0.8
HEH Hentzo Hüte XCU 18 0.025
SXP Saxland Punn XAU 960 26.6
FSS Fishland Swinefish XPD 1 18.6
AMW Amuj Ub XAU 2 0.05
AMG Amuj Geha XTF 80 0.2

Conversion table

This is a conversion matrix for the currencies in active circulation

EKG 1 0.138 0.5 8 1 2 0.040 2.370 7.1
XPS 72 1 36 576 72 144 2.90 170.1 512
TQR 2 0.0277 1 16 2 4 0.080 4.740 14.2
AYT 0.125 0.0017361 0.0625 1 0.125 0.25 0.0050 0.296 0.8
XKG 1 0.0138 0.5 8 1 2 0.040 2.370 7.1
KZK 0.5 0.00694 0.25 4 0.5 1 0.020 1.185 3.5
PEL 26.75 0.34375 12.375 198 24.75 49.5 1 58.6 176
XPY 0.421875 0.005859375 0.2109375 3.375 0.421875 0.84375 0.017045 1 3
XPA 0.140625 0.001953125 0.0703125 1.125 0.140625 0.28125 0.005681 0.3 1