Ŋountryballs, also known as Nguhcraftballs, are comedic depictions of ŋations as spherical entities.
An assortment of ŋountryballs drawn by Zendrid, the first such depictions
North Amujball[1] being very Amuj
Xarslasjaball recreating the iconic :hotspot: emote
Enkavakball sorting out bureaucratic stuff
Hentzoball bonking Bramusiaball on the head
Nāroňpārball being a cat
Imerchalball delivering mail
The Scramble for Murbetia portrayed as Coldball (Cuball) slicing a piece of Murfeta Cheese into tiny slices for West Puaball (who is quite enjoying their slice of Murfeta Cheese), Kyaw Cenball, North Amujball, and a sleeping Imerchalball. Also in the drawing is Hummlandball looking respectfully at an empty bowl.
East Puaball cannot into End
The previous drawing of East Puaball as drawn by Marcy
Aistowrawr being the judge, jury, and executioner
Aistowrawr welcoming the inspector (Papers Please)
A drawing of Dhourigkànball where the white part of the banner was interpreted as empty space
A map of most of the ŋations in south Thasusa as ŋountryballs
North Amujrawr in 3D
Another North Amujrawr in 3D, this time with 3D teeth
Hummlandball in 3D