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Aṛeti (Itsoikt)
Flag as of July 2024
Banner as of July 2024
Location of Oressia (dark green)
Capital cityTodoian
GovernmentUnitary presidential republic
President: Orest I
Official languagesỊ̀tsoikt (Itsoikt)
Official religionsOrthodox christianity
Catholic christianity
CurrencyNoledut (ȵ)
Ŋational MottoFrom the current to the desert.
Ẹt kha bōilutṭ-ha tsuẹt kha gūibi-ṇa. (Ị̀tsoikt)
The first OGO (July 1st, 2024).
Crater 4 as photographed on July 1st, 2024.

Oressia, natively known as Aṛeti, is a country in Greater ŋəri2na led by Orest I (oresttheproto). It was established by him on June 30, 2024. Oressia has also been part of the UŊ (United Ŋations) since July 1st, 2024.





  • July 1st, 2024: Oressia is expanded with a farm and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Oressia (MFAO). On the night of July 1st, several asteroids hit 4 locations in Oressia. Some landscape and architectural damage to the Oressian Governmental Office was sustained, but it was swiftly and easily dealt with. After the disaster, renovation of both the OGO and MFAO began. Later that day, renovation of the OGO was completed, whilst the renovation of the MFAO was postponed till July 2nd. The construction of the Port of Oressia was also started and completed the same day. On this day, Oressia also successfully got admitted to the United Ŋations.
  • July 2nd, 2024: The currency and ngational-motto were officially decided on. Renovation of the MFAO was completed on this day. The construction of the new Cenrail connection to Oressia begins.
  • July 3rd, 2024: The national language of Meyesilu was officially renamed to Myꭐipzarira, or Myuiipzarira in the full spelling. Construction of the Phoeŋix-Oressia Cenrail line continues.
  • July 4th, 2024: Excavation of Section 1 of the Phoeŋix-Oressia line is completed. Section 2 and Section 3 were decided to be bridges to cut time and costs.
  • July 7th, 2024: The Oressian rail line project was postponed until further notice as Ætérnal stated that he plans to import Old Cuba in Guam2, which is where the Phoeŋix-Oressia line passes through. He has stated plans to complete the import soon.
  • July 13th, 2024: English is declared as a co-official language. Construction of the Oressian Flagpole begins. The flagpole is inaugurated the same day. On this day, Orest I signed a deal with Namnak Xhesas to purchase property in Enkavak to start a business in.
The newly-built Oressian Flagpole on July 13th, 2024.


  • August 2nd, 2024: Orest I starts a contest as to who can write the best anthem for Oressia. Results were in on August 16th as the deadline is 2 weeks.
  • August 4th, 2024: Kozdenen and Oressia establish an embassy deal and the Embassy of Kozdenen in Oressia is created. Oressia also adopted a new and improved flag to resemble the banner more. The flagpole is updated soon after.
  • August 9th, 2024: Oressia attempts to claim Guam 2 unsuccessfully at the 17th United Ŋations Meeting. Orest I declares monthly territorial expansions for Oressia on the 9th of each month; the first expansion begins the same day, incorporating some territories south of Oressia.
  • August 12th, 2024: Amuj and Oressia establish an embassy deal and the Embassy of Amuj in Oressia is created.
  • August 16th, 2024: The Oressian Anthem Contest finished and the results were in. In total, there was only one submission that was yet to be adopted. On this day, the new territories of the August 2024 Territorial Expansion were organized and formally incorporated into Oressia as four new civil departments: Theuna, Dekes, Tsasnoro and Gunainale. Along with that, all of the existing departments were also renamed. The existing regional borders were also redrawn to comply more with the surrounding landscape. That border redraw also entailed the territorial expansion of Todoian and Euthis, the two largest cities in Oressia.


Oressia is divided into 9 civil departments, 2 of which are cities and the other 7 are provincial departments:

Map of departments as of August 16th, 2024.